Released for Fulfillment
It is like a snapshot. Luke offers us a portrait of Jesus at age 12, a confirmand of sorts (Luke 2:41-52). It is the only such account of Jesus’ life between toddler-age (Matthew 2) and the advent of his public ministry, when he is around 30 years old. Here is Jesus, to us quite young,[…]
“Jesus answered, “It is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs.” She said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” Then Jesus answered, “Woman, great is your faith!” –Matthew 15:26-28, NRSV The story of Jesus and the “Canaanite woman” resonated deeply[…]
The Story Within the Story
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.” –Maya Angelou Our lives are meant to be the stories of God-with-us. To experience the fulfillment of these stories,these relationships, and to be able to share them generously with others in the realm of God’s love, is the substance of salvation. Our stories[…]
Still Time to Rise
“After this Jesus said to him, “Follow me.” —John 21:19 Peter and six of the other disciples have gone back home to Galilee. They go fishing and catch nothing, a metaphor for returning to life as they have previously known it, even in the wake of resurrection. In Jerusalem, Jesus had come to them[…]
Father, Forgive Them
“Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing (Luke 23:34).” Jesus’ intercession for his murderers, made as life flowed from his body, has long been problematic. There is something about our Lord invoking the promise of forgiveness for his crucifiers that vividly brings home the unbounded expanse of God’s love. If you[…]
Divine Image-ination
“The leaders said back to Jesus, “What sign are you going to show us, since you’re doing these things?” Jesus answered, “Destroy this temple, and I’ll raise it back up in three days.” But Jesus was talking about the temple of his body.” –John 2:18-19, 21 Jesus comes to the great Temple in Jerusalem at[…]
“And the man got up, picked up his stretcher at once, and walked out in front of everyone.” –Mark 2:12 “Are there ways, other than physical injury, that people become paralyzed?,” I asked the assembled group. “Fear paralyzes,” said one person assertively. There were a number of knowing nods in the room. “So can anger,”[…]
Forgiving Jesus?
“But Jesus answered him, “Let it be so now; for it is proper to fulfill all righteousness.” The he (John) consented.” –Matthew 3:15 In the wake of Christmas, the lectionary moves quickly from the very spare accounts of Jesus’ early life to the event of his baptism and the advent of his public minstry. On[…]
Freedom in Choice
“Joseph, her husband, was a man of integrity. Not wanting Mary to be disgraced, he intended to dismiss her quietly. But while he was thinking about these things . . .” — Matthew 1:19-20 Where is God in the midst of life’s unwanted developments, disruptions, crises? When we are confronted with that for which we have[…]